Install Windows Admin Center (Honolulu) on Windows 10 Step by step

As you may know, Microsoft has launched a browser-based management toolset that lets you manage your Windows Servers with no Azure or cloud dependency named Windows Admin Center (WAC). Windows Admin Center gives you full control over all aspects of your server infrastructure and is particularly useful for managing servers on private networks that are not connected to the Internet. In this article, we will install the Windows Admin Center (WAC) on Windows 10 as Desktop Mode Installation. 

Windows 10
Windows 10 System Info

Download the Windows Admin Center

Go to the Microsoft website to download the Windows Admin Center installation file on your computer. Next, move the file to the server you are about to install. 

Install Windows Admin Center

Installing Windows Admin Center on Windows 10 is a very easy task as the wizard guides us through all the steps. Let’s start.

In the first step, select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next to continue.

License Agreement

Select whether or not to use Microsoft Update to check your WAC updates and click Next to continue

Microsoft Update

Choose whether WAC will have access to change TrustedHosts settings and create a desktop shortcut to open WAC in the default browser. You can change the port that will be used by Windows Admin Center. Click Next to continue.

Port Selection

The installation is in progress.

Installation is in-progress

Finally, click Finish to complete the Windows Admin Center installation process


Configuring Windows Admin Center

Once the installation is complete, you are now ready to connect to the WAC administration page through your browser. For the first time, you will need to select the SSL Certificate or generate a new one.

After that, you can add the server that you want to manage through Windows Admin Center on the right panel.

Finally, you can click on the server that you want to manage.

List of the servers

For more information about the Windows Admin Center, you can follow this link.

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