One liner command to get VM list detail on Hyper-V Cluster

Command prompt

In this post, I will share a command to get the VM list detail that includes VM Name, CPU Count, IP Addresses, VLAN ID, and Memory assigned. The command includes the command below: Get-VM: This command gets the virtual machines from one or more Hyper-V hosts Get-ClusterNode: This command to gets information about one or … Read more

Expand three dots (Elipsis) on PowerShell Result Console


Sometimes when you receive the result from PowerShell command, there are three dots (Elipsis) “…” that truncate the result. In this article, I will show you how to expand three dots (Elipsis) on PowerShell result console. For more detail, please see the example below: As you can see, there are three dots (Elipsis) behind “\Exchange … Read more

Change Guest VM IP from Hyper-V Host


Since Windows Server 2012, Microsoft introduces the ability to change or inject IP configuration of Guest VM from its HyperV host. This feature is using Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration class. Below is the PowerShell Script from itprotoday to change/inject the Guest VM IP. Replace the name of the VM as needed and the IP configuration. If you want … Read more

Install SSL Certificate for RDS Deployment using PowerShell

Microsoft Remote Desktop Services

I have an issue while installing the SSL Certificate for RDS Deployment using GUI. Therefore, I use the PowerShell command to do that. Basically, the command is using Set-RDCertificate CmdLet. The Set-RDCertificate cmdlet imports a certificate or applies an installed certificate to use with a Remote Desktop Services (RDS) role. You can use this cmdlet to secure … Read more

Check Folder Size using PowerShell command


Sometimes, you need to know how big a folder using PowerShell command. For the example once you on PowerShell session command and there is no GUI to check how big the folder size. Basically, you can use Get-ChildItem and Measure-Object CmdLet. Below the one-liner PowerShell command to get the FolderSize “{0:N2} MB” -f ((Get-ChildItem C:\users\ … Read more

Configure the DNS Client using PowerShell

DNS header

There is a DNSClient module on PowerShell you can use in addition ipconfig command. By default, this command is available on the PowerShell, if not, you can load the module manually using the command below: Import-Module DnsClient To see the available command on DnsClient module, you can use the Get-Command -Module DnsClient As you can see in … Read more