Expand three dots (Elipsis) on PowerShell Result Console


Sometimes when you receive the result from PowerShell command, there are three dots (Elipsis) “…” that truncate the result. In this article, I will show you how to expand three dots (Elipsis) on PowerShell result console. For more detail, please see the example below: As you can see, there are three dots (Elipsis) behind “\Exchange … Read more

Check Folder Size using PowerShell command


Sometimes, you need to know how big a folder using PowerShell command. For the example once you on PowerShell session command and there is no GUI to check how big the folder size. Basically, you can use Get-ChildItem and Measure-Object CmdLet. Below the one-liner PowerShell command to get the FolderSize “{0:N2} MB” -f ((Get-ChildItem C:\users\ … Read more

Backup MySQL Database using PowerShell Script

Performing regular database backup is very important to avoid data loss. In this article, we will create a PowerShell Script to backup MySQL databases. Basically, the backup is using mysqldump command. This is an executable file that stored in MySQL installation folder under bin folder.  So let’s start scripting : You can set a Task Scheduler to … Read more

Get public IP on a Windows Server via PowerShell

Getting public IP on troubleshot networking issue is very useful. Especially, there is an issue with accessing your server from the external (public) network. Here is how to get your server’s public IP using PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod Command. Also, you can get the detail of your public IP by removing “ip” variable on the command above. There are … Read more

PowerShell script is not digitally signed

When you try to run a PowerShell script that has not been signed by Trusted Publisher, you may get the following security error. <PowerShell Script file> is not digitally signed. You cannot runthis script on the current system. For more information about running scripts and setting execution policy, seeabout_Execution_Policies at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170. How to resolve the … Read more

Enable PowerShell Remoting


The Windows PowerShell remoting features are supported by the WS-Management protocol and the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service that implements WS-Management in Windows. Computers running Windows 7 and later include WinRM 2.0 or later. On computers running earlier versions of Windows, you need to install WinRM 2.0 or later as appropriate and if supported. To … Read more

PowerShell Script: Get Certificate that will be expired soon


I’m back. Yeah, almost 5 weeks I haven’t written something here. This time, I’ve created a PowerShell script that will notify you if there is an SSL Certificate that will expire in days remaining. This script is actually modification script from here. I’ve also uploaded the script on my Github Repo. Below is the complete … Read more

Windows PowerShell equivalents for common networking commands


For Windows System Administrator, Network troubleshooting is a part of the system troubleshooting. Maybe you need to check the IP address of a machine or test if its networking connection is working. Maybe you need to see if DNS is properly configured or check the latency between two hosts. You can run the command [cc]Get-Command … Read more

Use PowerShell to add exclusion folder or file Extension on the Windows Defender


Sometimes, you need to exclude the folder or specific file extension from being scanned by Windows Defender. Below is the PowerShell command that you can use to do that : Open Windows PowerShell with elevated permissions. To exclude the specific folder (e.g C:\Folder1). Run the following command Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath “C:\Folder1” Another case, if you want … Read more